About the CCCOAD

Welcome to Curry County COAD! We are the Curry County Community Organizations Active in Disaster, a collaborative network of organizations, businesses, and local government entities working together to enhance community resilience and response in times of disaster.

Our Mission

Curry County COAD is dedicated to promoting effective coordination, communication, and collaboration among local entities involved in disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts. Our mission is to strengthen the community's ability to withstand and recover from emergencies by fostering partnerships, sharing resources, and supporting comprehensive disaster planning.

Who We Are

What We Do

Our Values

The pandemic and recent wildfires have highlighted the need for better coordination and communication between non-profit agencies and local government. In 2022 the Curry County COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster), (CCCOAD) was created, modeled after similar structures in Counties and Cities across the nation.

We are a diverse group of organizations and individuals committed to making a positive impact during times of crisis. Our membership includes nonprofit organizations, Tribes, government agencies, businesses, community groups, faith-based organizations, and concerned citizens. By harnessing the collective expertise, resources, and passion of our members, we strive to build a more resilient Curry County.

Curry County COAD works to facilitate effective coordination and collaboration among our members to address the challenges posed by disasters. We prioritize preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of our community members. Through information sharing, training, planning, and resource coordination, we aim to build a strong network of support and resilience.

Collaboration: We believe that working together is essential for effective disaster response and recovery.

  • Inclusivity: We strive to engage diverse voices and perspectives, ensuring that everyone's needs are represented and addressed.

  • Preparedness: We promote proactive measures and readiness to minimize the impact of disasters on our community.

  • Resilience: We aim to build a resilient community that can adapt, recover, and thrive in the face of adversity.

Executive Committee

Katrina Thompson-Upton (Chair)
Olivia Davis (Vice-Chair)
Ruth Dixon (Information Officer)
Richard Gray - Member
Jim Howe - Member
Candice Michel - Member
Mellanie Vermaak-Caldera - Member
Beth Barker-Hidalgo
- Member
Karyn Dagenais - Red Cross
Jessica McCormick – Observing Member